ExMetrix is a cutting-edge platform that leverages Artificial Intelligence (AI) to analyze and model a variety of economic and technological phenomena. By utilizing advanced AI algorithms, ExMetrix can process vast amounts of data to provide insights, predictions, and strategic guidance across different sectors.

Welcome to ExMetrix, where over 20 years of pioneering research in Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence converge to transform the landscape of predictive analysis and forecasting. Our dedicated team of researchers and proprietary platform leverage advanced technologies like Neural Networks, unique simulated annealing algorithms, and fast Fourier transformation to unlock valuable insights from a vast repository of over 50 million data series.

At ExMetrix, we excel in combining our extensive data series with your unique data, selecting the most relevant information, and building precise AI-driven mathematical models to deliver unparalleled results. Whether optimizing production line parameters for superior product quality or managing energy procurement with comprehensive market and consumption forecasts, ExMetrix offers a unique, powerful tool to enhance efficiency and drive success. Discover the future of data-driven decision-making with ExMetrix.


Harness the power of AI to drive the future of renewable energy and transform the energy market landscape.

  • Comprehensive analysis of renewable energy trends and technologies.
  • Accurate forecasts of energy market dynamics and pricing.
  • Optimization strategies for green energy production and distribution.
  • Insights into regulatory impacts and sustainability initiatives.


Elevate your production processes with AI-driven optimization for unparalleled efficiency and innovation.

  • Advanced modeling to streamline production workflows.
  • Predictive maintenance and downtime reduction solutions.
  • Data-driven insights for enhancing operational efficiency.
  • Customized technology integration strategies to boost productivity.


Navigate the complexities of the macro economy with AI-powered insights tailored to drive business success.

  • In-depth analysis of macroeconomic trends and their business implications.
  • Predictive modeling to anticipate economic shifts and market changes.
  • Strategic planning support for risk management and growth opportunities.
  • Tailored reports on economic indicators and their impact on specific industries.
Zużycie gazu używanego do ogrzewania w Europie w porównaniu do ilości energii wytworzonej z lądowych farm wiatrowych In 2023, Poland’s electricity consumption could be about 7 per cent lower than in 2022 W roku 2023 zużycie energii elektrycznej w Polsce może być o około 7procent niższe niż w roku 2022 By mid-2024, the availability of natural gas in Poland will be preserved Do połowy 2024 roku w Polsce dostępność gazu ziemnego będzie zachowana Power generation from renewable energy sources (RES) significantly explains the price of energy in Poland. The prior prediction of all explanatory variables stabilizes the indications of the energy price forecasting model.