About Us

ExMetrix is the platform for modelling and forecasting:

  • Economic processes
  • Demographic processes


Integration between huge databases and complex analytical tools enable an easy and fast transfer from a vast database to a synthetically described knowledge hidden in this data. Exploring this hidden information works by using Data-mining technology. Information is described and presented using optimized mathematical models.

Analytical tools are integrated with databases:

  • Macroeconomic database
  • Quotation database
  • Demographic database
  • It is possible for ExMetrix user to use own databases

Primary Features performed by the platform

  • Searching for data in accordance with specified criteria
  • Data cleaning and transformation
  • Analysis of single time series
  • Analysis of correlations between pieces of data
  • Searching for data related to each other
  • Building and optimization of mathematical models
  • Obtaining forecasts derived from mathematical models
Zużycie gazu używanego do ogrzewania w Europie w porównaniu do ilości energii wytworzonej z lądowych farm wiatrowych In 2023, Poland’s electricity consumption could be about 7 per cent lower than in 2022 W roku 2023 zużycie energii elektrycznej w Polsce może być o około 7procent niższe niż w roku 2022 By mid-2024, the availability of natural gas in Poland will be preserved Do połowy 2024 roku w Polsce dostępność gazu ziemnego będzie zachowana Power generation from renewable energy sources (RES) significantly explains the price of energy in Poland. The prior prediction of all explanatory variables stabilizes the indications of the energy price forecasting model.