Compelling Relations – 1 – KGHM

We search for variables that describe phenomena we are interested in by means of our ExMetrix platform. We especially focus on those with the timing advance. The models that are performed by ExMetrix platform “love” variables of this kind. We’ve decided to present such relations among data because, besides of relations that are quite obvious, […]

We search for variables that describe phenomena we are interested in by means of our ExMetrix platform. We especially focus on those with the timing advance. The models that are performed by ExMetrix platform “love” variables of this kind. We’ve decided to present such relations among data because, besides of relations that are quite obvious, we find variables that are non-obvious.
Some we can explain by deduction. Some do not cooperate. Anyway, see the example of the Polish company KGHM:

The Polish company KGHM – obvious relation with the prices of scrap... Although, in this case it refers to various ferrous alloys and stainless steel.
The Polish company KGHM – obvious relation with the prices of scrap… Although, in this case it refers to various ferrous alloys and stainless steel.
The Polish company KGHM – non­obvious relation with quotation of DB Agriculture Long ETN fund due April 1. On closer inspection, the fund allocates some of its assets in materials. The charts prove that the forecasting models “like” the advances that are visible at some significant peaks and bottoms. The charts ware performed on a basis of the monthly data.
The Polish company KGHM – non­obvious relation with quotation of DB Agriculture Long ETN fund due April 1. On closer inspection, the fund allocates some of its assets in materials. The charts prove that the forecasting models “like” the advances that are visible at some significant peaks and bottoms. The charts ware performed on a basis of the monthly data.